Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

I have been such a bad blogger. This year I am going to make a resolution to "try" harder to post at least once or twice a week. I'd like to do this mainly to recap my week so that when I go to scrap those all important moments in life I can have something to go back to and remember everything for the date. I've been working so hard with my 6 year old daughter to write in her journal for her first grade class and while helping her I've realized I really need to work on a journal for myself since most of my scrapbook layouts 'lack' journaling. So here we go.

Today: January 1, 2011....
Today started out with snuggle time with my Maycie bug. I love these mornings and her snuggling close to me after she wakes up and we lay back down in my bed for awhile. Allison woke up excited this morning telling me all about her night after she went to bed and her opening her window blinds so she could lay in bed and watch all the fireworks going off outside on New Years Eve. She described every color she saw and then decided to draw a picture of them and write in her 1st grade journal. After breakfast we went outside to let  Allison ride her bike. Maycie tried riding her tricylce too. It was a beautiful day. After riding her bike we went to Keith's parents house and ate lunch. A little ham, black-eyed peas, & cabbage for our New Year. Keith and I then took Maycie to have her stitches out. Maycie didn't let the nurses hold her down, she had to be It really only took a few minutes, but being so young and after the trama of having the stitches put in the other night I think she just wanted nothing to do with the ER. After that we came home for awhile and let Maycie nap. Allison made a pot holder with her new weaving kit and Keith finished taking the tree down. When Maycie woke up we took the girls to the park and out to eat at Little Mexico (Allison's favorite). Today was a great day, minus Allison's hour or so of whining about everything, I think she was just really tired this afternoon.

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